Michael and his family have lived on or near the Chesapeake Bay for over 40 years. Mountain Point is the first spit of land when coming into the Magothy River from the north and the most southern tip of Gibson Island. It is on the Magothy River where Michael now enjoys his love of flying, fishing, watersports and photography. While most of his flying and aerial photography these days is done from high tech drones, he still holds an FAA private pilots license with a light sport seaplane endorsement. He has flown, fished and photographed all along the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coast, from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico. Long before the days of digital media, Michael was practicing his art of photography with a film camera and his trusty Cessna 172. When he switched from film to digital media in 1998 he fully embraced the new world of Photoshop and digital videography. Now, with the ability to carry a 4K video recorder in your pocket and launch one on a remote controlled drone, the science and technology of photography and videography has changed, but the art of composition, light, subject matter and expression has not. Call or email Michael today to discuss your next photography or video project.